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Installing and Configuring Cloud Access Manager Idle Shutdown

The following section outlines how to install and configure idle shutdown on remote workstations not provisioned by Cloud Access Manager on Windows and Linux.

Any remote workstations provisioned by Cloud Access Manager will have this feature installed and configured by default. If idle shutdown has been installed and configured on remote workstations that were not provisioned by Cloud Access Manager and are not managed by Cloud Access Manager, then the administrator may be required to log into their cloud environment to reboot these remote workstations whenever the idle shutdown powers them off.

This setting may not suit all customers' needs and can be customized to suit.

Service Account and Access Prerequisites

Powering the remote workstation on or off from the Cloud Access Manager at session start, or from the web interface, requires that the remote workstation exists in a cloud environment with appropriate service account credentials that supports power management with Cloud Access Manager.

Installing on Windows

After installing the PCoIP Agent, run the following commands in PowerShell:

$idleTimerRegKeyValue = <idle-time-in-minutes>
$enableAutoShutdown = <$true-or-$false>

# Detect agent type
$is64 = $false
$serviceName = "CAMIdleShutdown"
$path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Teradici\PCoIP Agent\bin"
if (!(Test-Path -path $path))  {
    $path = "C:\Program Files\Teradici\PCoIP Agent\bin"
    $is64 = $true
cd $path

# Install Service
$ret = .\IdleShutdownAgent.exe -install
# Check for success
if( !$? ) {
    $msg = "Failed to install {0} because: {1}" -f $serviceName, $ret
    Write-Host $msg
    throw $msg

# Configure Service
$idleTimerRegKeyPath = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Teradici\CAMShutdownIdleMachineAgent"
if ($is64) {
    $idleTimerRegKeyPath = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Teradici\CAMShutdownIdleMachineAgent"
$idleTimerRegKeyName = "MinutesIdleBeforeShutdown"
if (!(Test-Path $idleTimerRegKeyPath)) {
    New-Item -Path $idleTimerRegKeyPath -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path $idleTimerRegKeyPath -Name $idleTimerRegKeyName -Value $idleTimerRegKeyValue -PropertyType DWORD -Force

# Disable service if desired
$svc = Get-Service -Name $serviceName
if (!$enableAutoShutdown) {
    $msg = "Attempting to disable {0} service" -f $serviceName
    Write-Host $msg
    try {
        if ($svc.Status -ne "Stopped") {
            Start-Sleep -s 15
            $svc.WaitForStatus("Stopped", 180)
        Set-Service -InputObject $svc -StartupType "Disabled"
        $status = if ($?) { "succeeded" } else { "failed" }
        $msg = "Disabling {0} service {1}" -f $svc.ServiceName, $status
        Write-Host $msg
    catch {
        throw "Failed to disable CAMIdleShutdown service."

Configuring on Windows

For the PCoIP Agent for Windows the settings must be retrieved from the registry. The following steps outline how to configure these settings for Windows:

  • For PCoIP Agent versions 2.15 and earlier, the settings are stored in: HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Teradici\CAMShutdownIdleMachineAgent
    PCoIP Agent version 19.05 and later, the settings are stored in: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Teradici\CAMShutdownIdleMachineAgent

    PCoIP Agent Versions

    PCoIP Agent versions 2.15 and earlier are 32-bit, and versions 19.05 and later are 64-bit.

The table below outlines the settings and defaults:

Type Name Default Description
DWORD PollingIntervalMinutes 15 minutes Polling interval in minutes for checking the CPU utilization. Must be between 1 and 60.
DWORD MinutesIdleBeforeShutdown 240 minutes Number of minutes the machine must be considered idle before it can be shutdown. The timer starts only when all active users have disconnected (or logged off), and is reset if any user connects. Must be between 5 and 10000.
DWORD CPUUtilizationLimit 20% Value between 0 and 100 representing CPU utilization percentage. If CPU utilization is below this value the machine is considered idle and will shutdown if maintained for MinutesIdleBeforeShutdown.
DWORD EnableCAMDebug 0 Additional debugging messages to the event log when this value is non-zero.
  1. After installation the service will be enabled by default. To enable or disable the service explicitly, run:
    Set-Service CAMIdleShutdown -StartupType "Automatic"
    Set-Service CAMIdleShutdown -StartupType "Disabled"
  2. MinutesIdleBeforeShutdown can be configured through the Microsoft Azure ARM provisioning template as the autoShutdownIdleTime setting in the parameters file. Once the autoShutdownIdleTime setting is installed on a remote workstation, you can configure the setting by pushing the desired registry key settings directly to the specific remote workstation.

Installing on Linux

After installing the PCoIP Agent, run the following commands in the command line:

mkdir /tmp/idleShutdown
wget "" -O /tmp/idleShutdown/
awk '{ sub("\r$", ""); print }' /tmp/idleShutdown/ > /tmp/idleShutdown/ && sudo chmod +x /tmp/idleShutdown/
if [[ "${ENABLE_AUTO_SHUTDOWN}" = "false" ]]; then
    INSTALL_OPTS="${INSTALL_OPTS} --disabled"
sudo /tmp/idleShutdown/ "${INSTALL_OPTS}"

Configuring on Linux

For the PCoIP Agent for Linux, the idle shutdown is configured through a system service and can be configured through the accompanying service and timer .conf and files.

The table below outlines the settings and defaults:

Location Setting Default Description
/etc/systemd/system/CAMIdleShutdown.service.d/CAMIdleShutdown.conf MinutesIdleBeforeShutdown 240 minutes Number of minutes the machine must be considered idle before it can be shutdown. The timer starts only when all active users have disconnected (or logged off), and is reset if any user connects. NOTE: This includes SSH sessions.
/etc/systemd/system/CAMIdleShutdown.service.d/CAMIdleShutdown.conf CPUUtilizationLimit 20% Value between 0 and 100 representing CPU utilization percentage. If average CPU utilization is below this value the machine is considered idle and will shutdown if maintained for MinutesIdleBeforeShutdown.
/etc/systemd/system/CAMIdleShutdown.timer.d/CAMIdleShutdown.conf OnUnitActiveSec 15 minutes Polling interval in minutes for checking the CPU utilization.
  1. To apply any changes, you need to run the following command:
    systemctl daemon-reload
  2. After installation the service will be enabled by default. To enable or disable the service explicitly, run:
    systemctl enable CAMIdleShutdown.timer
    systemctl start CAMIdleShutdown.service
    systemctl start CAMIdleShutdown.timer
    systemctl stop CAMIdleShutdown.service
    systemctl stop CAMIdleShutdown.timer
    systemctl disable CAMIdleShutdown.timer
  3. MinutesIdleBeforeShutdown can be configured through the Microsoft Azure ARM provisioning template as the autoShutdownIdleTime setting in the parameters file. Once the autoShutdownIdleTime setting is installed on a remote workstation, you can configure the setting by pushing the desired registry key settings directly to the specific remote workstation.