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Downloading the Cloud Access Connector

First, connect to the machine and download the Connector files. The commands below will download the Cloud Access Connector archive, and extract it.

You need to ensure that you have a customer account created on to access the download information.

Teradici Distribution System

Teradici is moving to a new distribution system. The URLs to download the Cloud Access Connector installation files are changing. Any automation, scripts or instructions downloading the installer from should be updated to use the instructions outlined below. The download URL at is deprecated and will be removed entirely in the near future. If your download fails please ensure that you have provided the correct network access, for more information on this, see Required External Connections.

Downloading the Installer from

The following steps outline the current process that enables you to download the installer directly from as a tar.gz file or else run the shell script from

  1. SSH into the machine:

    ssh <username>@<server-ip-address>
  2. Download the installer from Teradici:

  3. Unpackage the installer:

    • Previously the installer was extracted into the ~/v2connector directory. This location has now changed. Run the following command to extract the installer to /usr/sbin/:
      sudo tar xzvf <PATH TO FILE>/cloud-access-connector-<version>_Linux.tar.gz -C /

Legacy Download Instructions

Legacy Distribution System

The following steps are for the legacy distribution system which is deprecated and will be removed entirely in the future.

  1. SSH into the machine:

    ssh <username>@<server-ip-address>

    Copying Commands

    If you copy and paste the sequence below into the console, the first two commands will execute immediately. Press Enter to execute the final command.

  2. Download the component files from Teradici:

    mkdir ~/v2connector && cd ~/v2connector
    curl -LO
    tar xzvf cloud-access-connector-0.1.1.tar.gz