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Installing the Cloud Access Connector

Once the files are downloaded and the access token is set, you can install the Cloud Access Connector. If you are not already connected, connect to the machine via SSH and navigate to the /usr/sbin directory. Previously the directory used was ~/v2connector. All new and recent installs and updates should use /usr/sbin but older installs and updates may still be using the legacy directory.

Latest Installer Version

Ensure that you are using the latest installer prior to installing or upgrading the Cloud Access Connector. If you are not using the latest installer, you may see one of the following errors:

Install the Cloud Access Connector by running the following command:

cd /usr/sbin
sudo ./cloud-access-connector install

Ensure that you use the options best suited to your system architecture and requirements. If required values are not provided on the command line, you will be prompted for them.

You need to obtain a Cloud Access Connector token prior to installation. For information on how to obtain this token, see Obtaining a Cloud Access Connector Token. Once you have the token you can run the following command and enter it:

sudo ./cloud-access-connector install -t "token obtained in previous section" [options]

When installed with no options, the Cloud Access Connector will not use MFA, and will use your SSL key and certificate.

The available options are:

Flag                                           Description
--token (-t) Required. The token generated for Cloud Access Manager.
‑‑enable‑mfa Installs with multi-factor authentication enabled.
‑‑self-signed Installs the Cloud Access Connector with self-signed certificates.
This mode is not secure and is intended for testing.
The --insecure flag is still supported.
--force-install Replaces any existing Cloud Access Connector installation.
--debug This flag can be run if you initial install of the Cloud Access Connector fails. It provides a detailed output of the Cloud Access Connector installation. This is useful for self-troubleshooting or to provide to the Teradici support team when logging a support ticket.

The following flags can be used to provide values at the command line. If they are omitted from the command and are required, you will be prompted for them:

Flag                                                        Type Description
‑‑reg‑code String Cloud Access Software registration code, provided by Teradici. Cloud License registration code, provided by Teradici.
‑‑domain String The AD domain that remote workstations will join.
--domain-group String The Distinguished Name of the user group you want to use to log into the legacy Cloud Access Manager management interface.
This option can be used when you install a Cloud Access Connector or update an existing Cloud Access Connector. The default is Domain Admins (eg, CN=CAM Admins,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com).
‑‑users-dn StringArray The base DN to search for users within AD. Specify multiple DNs with multiple options. Newly provided base DN(s) will automatically replace previous base DN(s). This field is looking for user's within the user-defined DN and SGs.
--computers-dn StringArray The base DN to search for computers within AD. Specify multiple DNs with multiple options. Newly provided base DN(s) will automatically replace previous base DN(s).
--sync-interval uint8 The interval (in minutes) for how often to sync AD users and computers with the CAM Service.
‑‑sa‑user String The Active Directory service account username.
‑‑sa‑password String The Active Directory service account password.
‑‑radius‑server String The FQDN or IP address of the RADIUS server to use for MFA.
This flag is optional.
‑‑radius‑port String The RADIUS server port.
If not specified, the default port (1812) is used.
If --radius-server is specifed then this flag is optional.
‑‑radius‑secret String The shared secret used for configuring RADIUS authentication.
If --radius-server is specifed then this flag is required.
‑‑ssl‑key String The full path and filename of the SSL key to use.
The --self-signed flag overrides this flag.
‑‑ssl‑cert String The full path and filename of the SSL certificate (in PEM format) to use.
The --self-signed flag overrides this flag.
--https-proxy String Specify the URL for a HTTPS proxy
(overrides related proxy settings in environment variables)
‑‑accept‑policies Automatically accept the EULA and Privacy Policy.
--retrieve-agent-state Boolean Enables the broker to retrieve the agent state for unmanaged and managed remote workstations.
The default value for this flag is false.
The available states are In Session, Ready, Starting, Stopping, Stopped and Unknown.
The value of this flag can either be true or false.
--show-agent-state Boolean Controls if the agent state is displayed as part of the remote workstation name in the PCoIP Client.
The default value for this flag is true.
Setting the value of this flag to true and the --retrieve-agent-state flag to false will result in no agent state displaying.
--domain-controller String Specifies one or more domain controllers to use with the Cloud Access Connector.
For more information, see Specifing Domain Controllers.
--external-pcoip-ip String Sets the IPv4 address for the Cloud Access Connector for external connections. If this value is not set, the external IPv4 address will be determined automatically. For more information on external network access, see Enabling External Network Access.
--connector-network-cidr String This is the CIDR to use for the Cloud Access Connector's docker network. The default docker network subnet is
--local-license-server-url String Sets the URL for PCoIP License Server to be used for PCoIP Sessions. If this is not provided, ensure that the Cloud License Server is registered on the PCoIP Agent. Example: --local-license-server-url For more information on the PCoIP License Server, see here.
--add-pool-group String Specifies one or more Active Directory groups, by entering the distinguished name (DN), to be assigned to pools for remote workstation management (eg, --pool-group 'CN=GroupPool1,CN=Users,DC=sample,DC=com' --pool-group 'CN=GroupPool2,CN=Users,DC=sample,DC=com'). By providing all the existing pools groups in the Cloud Access Connector settings would get replaced by the user specified ones. When running this command you need to run it with adconfig. Example: sudo ./cloud-access-connector adconfig --add-pool-group.
--users-filter String The filter to search for users within Active Directory. Specify multiple filters with multiple options. Default user filter: (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)).
--computers-filter String The filter to search for computers within Active Directory. Specify multiple filters with multiple options. Default computer filter: (&(primaryGroupID=515)(objectCategory=computer)).
--internal-client-cidr String The CIDR for PCoIP Clients that connect to remote workstations directly.
--external-client-cidr String The CIDR for PCoIP Clients that connect to remote workstations through the Security Gateway. If external CIDRs settings are set, internal settings must be explicitly set.
--setup-docker-image String Specifies the docker image to be used from the setup container. This is intended to be used for debugging purposes and is not recommended to be used without guidance from Teradici support. Usage without guidance could result in failed installations.
--docker-registry String This is an optional flag that enables users to specify the docker image registry that they want to use when installing or updating a Cloud Access Connector. If an option is not specified, the default registry will be used. This is intended to be used for debugging purposes and is not recommended to be used without guidance from Teradici support. Usage without guidance from Teradici could result in failed installations.

Troubleshooting the Cloud Access Connector

If you encounter issues when attempting to install the Cloud Access Connector, please see the Troubleshooting section for information on how to potentially diagnose the specific issue. You can also view the following KB article here which provides a list of troubleshooting steps for common issues related to installing the Cloud Access Connector.

Certificate Information

For an example of how to create a self-signed certificate, see Creating a self-signed certificate on a Windows 2016 Active Directory Server. For an example of a method to install a certificate on your Active Directory, see Installing a certificate on your Active Directory server to enable LDAPS.

Installing the Cloud Access Connector for Testing

To install the Cloud Access Connector with MFA enabled and in insecure mode for testing, you would run this command (note that we are providing the --enable-mfa flag but not the RADIUS server information, so prompts will appear to collect it):

sudo ./cloud-access-connector install -t $token --enable-mfa --self-signed

When the installer completes, the IP address of the Cloud Access Connector will be displayed and you will be directed to go to to begin managing your deployments, connectors and remote workstations.

Cloud Access Connector - Troubleshooting

If there is an issue installing the Cloud Access Connector or an existing Connector is failing, please see the troubleshooting section on Cloud Access Connector Connectivity. Within this section there are steps to check the following:

  • Remote Workstation connections
  • Active Directory connections
  • Cloud Access Connector component information