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Configuring the PCoIP Software Client

This section outlines command line parameters and settings that are available to use and customize. These parameters enable user to configure the PCoIP Client, as well as attain and send information.

Launching PCoIP Software Client with a URI

It is possible to launch the PCoIP Software Client with a URI. The Teradici URI uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT). For more information on the use of JWT, see here. The URI is defined as the following:


When additional parameters are passed through the encoded JWT a session can be launched:

Field Description Optional vs Required
pcoip:// Scheme registered to operating system so that PCoIP Client can be launched Required
broker Broker through which a PCoIP session is supposed to be brokered through Optional
/connect Connecting to a PCoIP Client with the parameters defined in "?data" Required
?data Query parameter to store a jwt encoded user credentials Optional

Any of the settings outlined in the Configurable Settings can be passed to the PCoIP Software Client with a URI.

Below is an example of a JWT payload:

"username": "myuser",
"log-level": 3,
"fullscreen": true
The following is an example of a connect command:


Configurable Settings

Any of the directives outlined below can be used on the command line, for example:

pcoip-client --username "myuser" --log-level 3 --fullscreen

The following settings can be configured on the PCoIP Software Client for Windows.


Directive Values Default Type
Long: username
Short: usr

This is the username sent to the Connection Broker.


Directive Values Default Type
password string

This is the password sent to the Connection Broker.


Directive Values Default Type
Long: domain
Short: dom

This is the domain sent to the Connection Broker.

Connection Broker

Directive Values Default Type
connection-broker string

This is the connection broker URL.

Log Level

Directive Values Default Type
Long: log-level
Short: logl
0 - Critical
1 - Error
2 - Info
3 - Debug
4 - Verbose
2- Info integer

This setting will unset and force the log level.

Windowed Mode

Directive Values Default Type
Long: windowed
Short: win
true/false boolean

You can display the PCoIP session in either windowed or fullscreen mode. Windowed mode gives you the flexibility to display multiple application windows in parallel and switch between them quickly. Windowed mode is the default mode, and to activate fullscreen mode use the full-screen parameter, as outlined in the following example:

"c:\Program Files (x86)\Teradici\PCoIP Client\bin\pcoip_client.exe" --full-screen

Fullscreen Mode

Directive Values Default Type
Long: fullscreen
Short: full
true/false boolean

Fullscreen mode enables the display topology to support multiple monitors as an extended desktop.

Security Mode

Directive Values Default Type
Long: security-mode
Short: sec
0 - Verification not required
1 - Warning, but allow
2 - Full verification required
1 integer

This is the security mode for verifying connections. By default, the mode will be set to 1.

Locale Language

Directive Values Default Type
Long: locale
Short: loc
de - German
es - Spanish
fr - French
it - Italian
ja - Japanese
ko - Korean
pt - Portuguese (EU)
pt_BR - Portuguese (Brazil)
ru - Russian
tr - Turkish
zh_CN - Chinese (Simplified)
zh_TW - Chinese (Traditional)

This mode sets the Locale.

Disable USB

Directive Values Default Type
Long: disable-usb
Short: nousb
true/false false boolean

This setting disables USB connections.

Hard Host

Directive Values Default Type
Long: hard-host
Short: rwc

This is the hard host URL. This option is ignored if the connection-broker url is provided.

Quit After Disconnection

Directive Values Default Type
Long: quit-after-disconnect
Short: qad
true/false boolean

This setting enables the session to be quit after it has been disconnected. You cannot re-enter the pre-session after leaving a PCoIP session.

Launching via URI

When launching this setting via URI, the default is set to True.

USB Auto-Forward

Directive Values Default Type
Long: usb-auto-forward
Short: uaf
true/false boolean

This setting auto-forwards all non-HID devices.

Vidpid Auto-Forward

Directive Values Default Type
Long: vidpid-auto-forward
Short: vaf
"vvvv,pppp xxxx,yyyy" string

This is a string of VID,PID hex values separated by spaces.

Vidpid Black List

Directive Values Default Type
Long: vidpid-black-list
Short: vbl
"vvvv,pppp xxxx,yyyy" string

This setting blocks specific VID,PIDs from auto-forwarding regardless of whether the usb-auto-forward parameter or the USB dialog is used.

Disable Menu Bar

Directive Values Default Type
Long: disable-menubar
Short: nomenu
true/false false boolean

To enhance the user experience the PCoIP Session Client enables the menu bar by default, however some use cases may require that it be disabled, or hidden, in order to prevent the user from accessing menu functionality. To disable the menu bar feature use the disable-menubar parameter, as outlined in the following example:

"c:\Program Files (x86)\Teradici\PCoIP Client\bin\pcoip_client.exe" --disable-menubar

Disable Hotkeys

Directive Values Default Type
Long: disable-hotkeys
Short: nohot
true/false false boolean

To improve usability, session hot keys, such as Ctrl+Delete+F12 (which disconnects a PCoIP session) are available to users by default. The parameter for this feature is disable-hotkeys, as outlined in the following example:

"c:\Program Files (x86)\Teradici\PCoIP Client\bin\pcoip_client.exe" --disable-hotkeys

Set Host Resolution

Directive Values Default Type
Long: set-host-resolution
Short: res
1024x768 (example) string

This setting locks the resolution of your host application display. This can only be configured on a single display.

Enable Scaling

Directive Values Default Type
Long: enable-scaling
Short: scale
true/false false boolean

This setting enables scaling on the PCoIP Client without having to specify the desktop resolution. This can only be configured on a single display.

Maintain Aspect Ratio

Directive Values Default Type
Long: maintain-aspect-ratio
Short: aspect
true/false false boolean

This setting maintains the aspect ratio between the host and the Client. This can only be configured on a single display.

Force Native Resolution

Directive Values Default Type
Long: force-native-resolution
Short: native
true/false false boolean

This setting sets the resolution of the Client monitor to the native resolution when the session client is launched. This can only be configured on a single display and is only available on the Windows Client.

Session ID

Directive Values Default Type
Long: sessionid
Short: sid

This setting launches the JSESSIONID.