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Transitioning Anyware Connectors

It is not possible to migrate directly from the Anyware Connector on Ubuntu to the Anyware Connector on RHEL/Rocky Linux as they run on different operating systems. The best method to transition to the Connector on RHEL/Rocky Linux is to create this new Connector using the same Anyware Manager deployment you used for the Connector on Ubuntu.

Minimize Transition Downtime

The Connector on RHEL/Rocky Linux can co-exist with the Connector on Ubuntu in the same Anyware Manager deployment. To minimize downtime, it is recommended that you run the newly created RHEL/Rocky Linux Connector for a period of time to ensure it is working properly before decommissioning the Connector on Ubuntu.

MFA Configuration

When you enable MFA for the Connector for RHEL/Rocky Linux, all PCoIP Clients authenticated through the Connector will be prompted to enter MFA credentials. Previously with the Connector on Ubuntu, internal and external clients had different MFA configurations. If you want to have the same MFA configuration for the Connector on RHEL/Rocky Linux as the Connector on Ubuntu, you must install multiple Connectors on RHEL/Rocky Linux.

Transitioning the Connector

The following steps outline how to transition to the Connector on RHEL/Rocky Linux:

  1. Before you install the RHEL Connector, ensure you have met all the required prerequisite steps. For instructions and documentation on the Connector prerequisite steps when installing the RHEL Connector, see Connector System Requirements. It is important to read and address all the prerequisites outlined.
  2. Review the differences between the Connector on RHEL/Rocky Linux and Ubuntu, as outlined here.
  3. Prepare your Connector configuration files. For information on configuring your Connector, see Configuring the Connector.
  4. When generating the Anyware Connector token for the new Connector, ensure you use the same Anyware Manager deployment as the existing Connector on Ubuntu. For information on generating the Connector tokekn, see Generating a Connector Token.
  5. Install and configure the Connector on RHEL/Rocky Linux. For information on installing and configuring the Connector, see Installing the Connector.

Testing the Connector

Once you have installed the Connector on RHEL/Rocky Linux you should test it and ensure it has been correctly installed and configured. The following steps outline how to test the Connector:

  1. Run the following command to check that all installed services are running:

sudo /usr/local/bin/kubectl get pods -c connector
2. Access the virtual machine where you have the PCoIP Client installed and establish a connection using the Connector IP or FQDN. If this connection is successful then it confirms the Connector has been installed correctly. If it is not, you should re-check the virtual machine configuration and Connector configuration.

Adding the Connector to a Load Balancer

If the original Connector on Ubuntu was configured with a load balancer, you need to add the new Connector on RHEL/Rocky Linux to the load balancer. Once you have tested the Connector on RHEL/Rocky Linux install, and are happy that it was successful, you can remove the Connector on Ubuntu.