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Configuring the PCoIP Conenction Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway

You can configure the PCoIP Connection Manager and Security Gateway using the pcoip-cmsg-setup configure command.

The general syntax is:

sudo pcoip-cmsg-setup configure <flags>

For example, to specify a broker url, you would open a console window and enter the following:

sudo pcoip-cmsg-setup configure --broker-url https://<example>

Configuration Flags and Options

The following flags can be used to provide values at the command line.

Flag                                                        Type Description
--broker-url String The URL of the PCoIP Broker, specified either as a https://: or https://: or https://[]:.
--clear-host-address Boolean Clears the host address.
‑‑ca-cert String The full path and filename of the custom Certificate Authority's public certificate to be used in the PCoIP Connection Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway.
Required if --self-signed is not used.
--clear-trusted-license Boolean Clears trusted license certificate and key.
--compose-file String Specify the full path to a local docker-compose file.
--docker-password String Password to login to private registry.
‑‑docker-registry String Specifies the Teradici source for Cloud Access Connector images to be install from.
Debugging only: This is intended to be used for debugging purposes and should not be used without guidance from Teradici support. Using this flag incorrectly can result in failed installations.
‑‑docker-username String Username to login to private registry.
--enable-collaboration Boolean Allow multiple PCoIP clients to collaborate on a PCoIP agent. (default true)
--external-pcoip-ip StringArray Sets the public IP addresses of VM which hosts Security Gateway. This option can be used twice, once for IPv4 and once for IPv6 (if using).
Required if PCoIP Security Gateway is enabled.
‑‑help Display configuration help.
--host-address stringArray Sets the host FQDN/IP address. The option may be used twice (once for the IP address and once for the FQDN)
--license-server-url String The address of the locally installed PCoIP License Server.
Example: https://<license-server-address>:<port>
‑‑ssl-cert String The full path and filename of the SSL certificate to be used in the PCoIP Connection Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway.
Required if --self-signed is not used.
‑‑ssl-key String The full path and filename of the SSL key to be used in the PCoIP Connection Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway.
Required if --self-signed is not used.
--trusted-license-cert String Trusted Customer License certificate path. Defaults to /opt/teradici/pcoipcm_data/certs/tcl-cert.crt).
--trusted-license-cert-key String Trusted Customer License certificate key path. Defaults to /opt/teradici/pcoipcm_data/certs/tcl-cert.key.