Installing the Standard Agent for Linux on RHEL or CentOS

Important: Required ports will be automatically opened

The Standard Agent for Linux installer will add firewall exceptions for the following required PCoIP ports during installation: TCP 443, TCP 4172, UDP 4172, and TCP 60443.

To install the Standard Agent for Linux software:

  1. Download and install the Teradici pcoip-agent repository, via the shell script provided here.

    Note: This installs the stable repository

    This will install the stable repository for the Standard Agent for Linux. The stable repo contains officially supported releases and is recommended for production systems.

  2. Install the EPEL repository:

    sudo yum install epel-release 
  3. Optionally install USB dependencies, if you intend to support USB devices other than keyboards, mice, and pointer devices. If you skip this step, USB redirection will be completely disabled and bridged USB devices will not work.

    sudo yum install usb-vhci
  4. Install the PCoIP Standard Agent for Linux:

    sudo yum install pcoip-agent-standard
  5. Note your machine's local IP address. Clients connecting directly to the host workstation will need this number to connect.

  6. Enter the license registration code you received from Teradici.

    Note: These instructions are for Cloud Licensing

    These instructions assume you are using Teradici Cloud Licensing to activate your PCoIP session licenses. If you are using the Teradici License Server instead, see Licensing the Standard Agent for Linux.

    For unproxied internet connections, type:

    pcoip-register-host --registration-code=<XXXXXX@YYY-YYYY-YYY>

    For proxied internet conections, type:

    pcoip-register-host --registration-code=<XXXXXX@YYY-YYYY-YYY> --proxy-server=<serverURL> --proxy-port=<port>
  7. Reboot the desktop.

Once you've installed the software, you can configure it, register licenses, or connect to it.

Note: Desktop user interfaces will only be available using PCoIP

Once installed and running, the PCoIP Standard Agent for Linux takes over the graphics subsystem which is then unavailable to hypervisors. You can only view the graphical user interface when connecting with a PCoIP client.

For example, you cannot view an ESXi virtual machine console through VSphere; you must connect to the machine using PCoIP.

Installing the Standard Agent for Linux in a Dark Site

The Standard Agent for Linux can be installed in an offline environment (with no connection to the public internet). To do this, you'll create a temporary internet-connected machine, download the agent RPM and its dependencies, then transfer the downloaded files to the permanent machine and install them.

To install the Standard Agent for Linux in an offline environment:

  1. Create a temporary RHEL or CentOS machine with a connection to the internet and SSH into it.

  2. On the temporary machine, install the Teradici repository:

    1. Using a browser, go to Teradici's documents and downloads site, and look in the sidebar for documentation and download links.

    2. Click the Downloads and scripts button.

      Downloads and scripts

      Note: An account is required

      If you are not logged in, you will see a log in prompt instead:

      Log in to download

      You can create an account when you click this button if you do not already have one.

    3. Read and accept the Teradici End User License Agreement.

    4. Click Install Teradici Repository (RHEL/CentOS) button

      Select RHEL/CentOS

      The container will expand to show a configuration script.

    5. Copy the cURL script shown to your clipboard.

      About the configuration script

      This script automatically detects your operating system, and configures yum to download the appropriate packages. You can inspect the contents of the script by fetching the URL in the cURL command, without including | sudo -E bash.

      curl script

  3. On the temporary machine, paste the cURL command you copied in the previous step and press Enter. The script will set up the Teradici repo on your system.

  4. Install the EPEL repository:

    sudo yum install epel-release
  5. If you intend to support USB devices other than keyboards, mice, or pointers, install usb-vhci dependencies:

    sudo yum install usb-vhci
  6. Update your yum cache:

    sudo yum -y makecache
  7. Download the createrepo utility.

    sudo yum install -y yum-plugin-downloadonly yum-utils createrepo
  8. Create two new directories. The first, agent-installroot, will be used to collect installation files and then deleted later. The second, agent-rpms, will receive the actual repo files and will be transferred to the offline machine.

    mkdir agent-installroot
    mkdir agent-rpms
  9. Download the repo files. In all the following examples, replace <absolute_path_to> with the absolute path to your working directory, and replace <os_version> with the major os version number (for example, RHEL/CentOS 7.x is 7):

    • If you will support USB devices and you downloaded usb-vhci in step 5:

      sudo yum install -y --downloadonly --installroot=<absolute_path_to>/agent-installroot --releasever=<os_version> --downloaddir=<absolute_path_to>/agent-rpms pcoip-agent-standard usb-vhci
    • If you will only allow keyboards, mice, and pointer devices to connect via USB, omit usb-vhci. If you use this method, USB devices other than keyboards, mice, and pointer devices will not work:

      sudo yum install -y --downloadonly --installroot=<absolute_path_to>/agent-installroot --releasever=<os_version> --downloaddir=<absolute_path_to>/agent-rpms pcoip-agent-standard
  10. Create a local repo in a new agent-rpms directory. This is the folder you will ultimately transfer to the offline machine.

    sudo createrepo --database <absolute_path_to>/agent-rpms
  11. Delete the installroot folder, which is no longer needed:

    rm -rf <absolute_path_to>/agent-installroot
  12. Transfer the agent-rpms directory and its contents to the offline machine using any acceptable method, such as a USB flash drive. Make a note of the absolute destination filepath on the offline machine; we'll need that next.

  13. On the offline machine: Open /etc/yum.repos.d/offline-agent.repo in a text editor.

  14. Paste in the following content, replacing <absolute_path_to> with the absolute path to the agent-rpms directory:

    name=CentOS-$releasever - agent-rpms
  15. Install the packages:

    • If you will support USB devices and you downloaded usb-vhci in step 5:

      sudo yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=offline-agent install -y pcoip-agent-standard usb-vhci
    • If you will only allow keyboards, mice, and pointer devices to connect via USB, omit usb-vhci.

      sudo yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=offline-agent install -y pcoip-agent-standard
  16. Reboot the offline machine:

    sudo reboot