Configuring PCoIP Management Console Settings > Managing MC Logs

Managing PCoIP Management Console Logs

The PCoIP Management Console VERSION page displays the version of the PCoIP Management Console that you are currently running and also lets you select the level of diagnostic logging for the PCoIP Management Console. You can access this page by clicking SETTINGS from the PCoIP Management Console’s top menu and then clicking the VERSION menu in the left pane.

Note: The PCoIP Management Console release version is also displayed on the dashboard.


Locating the PCoIP Management Console’s Log Files

All PCoIP Management Console logs are located in the PCoIP Management Console’s VM in its /opt/teradici/log directory. You can access these files by logging in to your PCoIP Management Console VM console using vSphere Client. Log files are included in database archives.

The PCoIP Management ConsoleS’s log directory contains the following files:

Log File Rotation

Both console and daemon logs are limited to 200 files—two uncompressed (up to 100 MB each) and 98 compressed (approximately 5 MB each). These files are rotated as needed.

Linux system logs are rotated using default CentOS settings. The PCoIP Management Console does not configure Linux system logs.

Setting the PCoIP Management Console’s Diagnostic Log Level

The PCoIP Management Console’s daemon process has two log levels that you can set: