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Windows Build Procedure

  1. From the Windows Control Panel, set an environment variable called LOCAL_THIRD_PARTY pointing to the third party libraries.

    Windows 7 Procedure

    This procedure is correct for Windows 7. Other versions of Windows may use slightly different methods to define environment variables.

    a. Open System in Control Panel.

    b. Click on Advanced system settings.

    c. On the Advanced ta, click Environment Variables.

    d. In the lower box labeled System Variables, click New.

    e. In the Variable Name field, type LOCAL_THIRD_PARTY.

    f. In the Variable Value field, enter the full path to root of the third-party libraries.

    g. Click OK on each of the three open dialogs.

  2. Unzip the SDK tar file. Copy the files to the desired directory where you are developing the custom application.

  3. The CMake modules for finding the libraries within the package are located inside "path-to-sdk-root"/cmake. The required libraries are namespaced by PCoIPSoftClientSDK.
  4. In order to use the core APIs, use the following commands on your application's CMake file for linking your application to the libraries that are needed from the SDK:

list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "path-to-sdk-root/cmake")

find_package(PCoIPSoftClientSDK REQUIRED)
5. At this point, you can link your application to the core library using the CMake command:

target_link_libraries(your_application PRIVATE PCoIPSoftClientSDK:pcoip_core)
6. You can link any other required libraries similarly by appending it to the above command.


All files needed to run the client, except the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 redistributable, are contained in the product\WINDOWS\x86\[Debug|Release] directory.