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Building the SDK for Linux

This section includes instructions for building a custom client application by utilizing the SDK.

  1. As a reference, follow the CMakeLists.txt of the broker_client_example to understand the build steps using the cmake tool. It is located at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pcoip-client/examples/broker_client_example/CMakeLists.txt.
  2. Set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the path of the CMAKE modules installed by the SDK. This is usually usr/lin/x86_64-linux-gnu/pcoip-client/cmake/.
  3. Run the CMake configure and verify it configures without any errors.
  4. Run CMake build to build the application.
  5. The find-package() command of CMake automatically finds the libraries installed by the SDK as long as CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH points to the cmake modules directory.