Configuring the PCoIP Agent

Once the agent is installed, you can configure it and optimize PCoIP protocol behavior for local network conditions by adjusting configuration directives found in /etc/pcoip-agent/pcoip-agent.conf.

You can find detailed information and descriptions about each setting next in Configurable Settings. You can also consult the MAN pages for pcoip-agent.conf:

man pcoip-agent.conf

Setting Values in pcoip-agent.conf

To set the configuration value, add or modify directives in pcoip-agent.conf. Place one directive on each line, in this format: = <value>

For example, to set the maximum frame rate to 60 frames per second, set the maximum bandwidth to 900000 kilobits/second, and the device bandwidth floor to 5000 kilobits/second, you would set values in pcoip-agent.conf like this:

pcoip.maximum_frame_rate = 60
pcoip.max_link_rate = 900000
pcoip.device_bandwidth_floor = 5000

A complete list of configurable values is shown next in Configurable Settings.