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Configuring the PCoIP Agent

Once the agent is installed, you can configure it and optimize PCoIP protocol behavior for local network conditions by adjusting Windows GPO variables.

The variables are in admx template files provided by the agent installer, and must be imported into the desktop's Local Group Policy Editor (or the Group Policy Editor on the domain controller) before you can change them. Until you import the template files, the PCoIP settings will not appear in the policy editor.

After you've imported the template files, you can customize the PCoIP agent settings using the Windows GPO editor.

Import the GPO Administrative Template

The PCoIP Agent installer provides a set of GPO template files which allow you to customize PCoIP session variables to set options or optimize performance. The GPO files must be imported before use, as explained next.

To import the admx template:

  1. Copy the admx file from

    C:\Program Files\Teradici\PCoIP Agent\configuration\policyDefinitions\PCoIP.admx


  2. Copy the adml file from

     C:\Program Files\Teradici\PCoIP Agent\configuration\policyDefinitions\en-US\PCoIP.adml



You can now modify PCoIP session variables using the GPO editor. For instructions, see Modifying the Session GPO Variables.

Modifying PCoIP GPO Variables

All of the PCoIP settings can be configured using this procedure. The configurable settings are described in the following sections.

Important: Import the GPO template files before proceeding

Before modifying session variables, you'll need to import the GPO Administrative Template. PCoIP settings will not appear in the GPO editor until the template has been imported.

To modify a PCoIP session variable:

  1. Open the Local Group Policy Editor on the agent machine:

    1. Press + r to open the run dialog
    2. type gpedit.msc and press Enter.
  2. In the left pane, navigate to Administrative Templates and then to PCoIP Session Variables.

    The variables you can configure appear in the right pane.

  3. Double-click the PCoIP variable you want to configure to open the variable's configuration window, then:

    1. Select Enabled to enable the PCoIP setting.

    2. Configure any parameters that are available for the setting.

    3. Click OK to close the variable's configuration window.

  4. Repeat step 3 until all variables have been set.

  5. Close the Local Group Policy Editor.

Note: Changes require a new PCoIP connection

Changes take effect on the next PCoIP connection to the desktop.