Installing NVIDIA GRID Drivers on Ubuntu

Before installing the PCoIP Graphics Agent, you must install the correct NVIDIA drivers for your system. For current version information, see Linux System Requirements.

  1. Install tools required to install the NVIDIA drivers:

    $ sudo apt install build-essential
  2. Disable the Nouveau video driver (two commands):

    $ echo 'blacklist nouveau' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
    $ sudo reboot
  3. Install the NVIDIA driver:

    $ sudo ./

    Where xxx.xx is the NVIDIA driver version shown in Linux System Requirements.

  4. Respond to the installer prompts as follows:

    • Accept the EULA
    • Say no to installing 32-bit binaries
    • Say no to modifying the file
  5. Verify the NVIDIA installation:


    If the installation was successful, you will see your video card in the response.