Management Console as an RPM

The Management Console RPM allows administrators an opportunity to manage and control Linux packages in a way that complies to their individual corporate IT policies. The teradicimc-<version>.rpm package will install the Management Console complete with all linux dependancies so you can get up and operational quickly.

Linux Proficiency

It is expected that administrators of Linux operating systems are proficient at using the Linux OS. Different Linux distributions may require different procedures. Teradici uses the Linux CentOS distribution for instructional information.

Hardware and Virtual Machine Requirements

Item Requirements
CPU Minimum 4 CPUs or vCPUs
Disk Space Minimum 20 GB FREE disk space dedicated to the Management Console
Increase this size by the required space for the CentOS operating system and any other files on your Linux system
RAM Minimum of 12 GB
OS Centos 7.x, RHEL
User Username and Password of user with sudo access
Virtual Machine Dedicated to PCoIP Management Console only

Dedicated Host

It is recommended that the Management Console host be dedicated for Management Console use only.

Minimum Requirements Validation

The Management Console RPM package will check for the minimum hardware resource requirements (cpu, disk, ram) and fail if it is not met. To disable the minimum requirement check, enter the following command:
sudo MC_NO_CHECK=1 rpm -Uvh teradicimc-<version>.rpm
Disabling the minimum requirements check is not recommended! Lowering minimums may reduce Management Console performance, particularly in large deployments.

Management Console Installation, Upgrade and Removal

Upgrading from an RPM is supported when upgrading from PCoIP Management Console release 19.05 and newer.

Backup Your Database

Always ensure you have a working backup of your Management Console data when performing a Management Console removal, upgrade, or installation. Considerations should include:

  • having a current snapshot of your virtual machine
  • having a complete backup or clone of your Linux PC
  • having a current backup of your Management Console database.

With the teradicimc-<version>.rpm package, the installation process will create everything that Management Console needs in order to work exept the firewall exceptions. Once the firewall exeptions are made, you can upgrade or remove the Management Console as required. The PCoIP Management Console RPM is provided as a compressed file for download. A public RPM repository will be available for seamless installs in a future release.

After installation, make sure that you have configured your firewall and that it complies to your corporate security policies. If you don't have a security policy, you can review the firewall reference that will allow you to get an understanding of what firewall requirements Management Console needs to be operational.

Installation or Upgrade

Download the RPM from and copy the compressed file to the PCoIP Management Console VM. Windows users may have to use a third party tool such as WinSCP to copy the file to the Linux VM.

Database migration during Upgrade

During an upgrade, the database will be automatically migrated if moving to a newer version of Management Console.

To install Management Console on your VM for the first time or to upgrade a Management Console installation:

  1. Download the RPM file from the Teradici support site.

  2. Install the rpm following the commands of your linux distribution.

    • CentOS users enter sudo yum install teradicimc-<version>.rpm from the directory where the rpm file is located, then configure their firewall.

    • RHEL users perform the following steps:

      1. sudo subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms

      2. sudo yum install

      3. sudo yum install teradicimc-<version>.rpm from the directory where the rpm file is located.

  3. Configure your firewall.

    IPv4 See the firewall reference on how to configure Management Console firewall for use in an IPv4 environmnent perform the following steps:.

    IPv6 See the firewall reference on how to configure Management Console firewall for use in an IPv6 environmnent perform the following steps:

  4. If applicable, enable your HSTS policy. See HTTP Strict Transport Security.


To remove Management Console you will have two choices, remove only the Management Console or remove the Management Console with all its dependancies.

  • To remove Management Console only, enter:

    sudo yum remove teradicimc.

  • To remove Management Console and any package that was required by Management Console including the database, enter:

    sudo yum autoremove teradicimc.