Managing Users

PCoIP Management Console Enterprise supports multiple concurrent administrative users. There are two user roles that have different administrative capabilities—System Administrator and Administrator. Roles can be set for individual users that are created locally on the PCoIP Management Console, or by the Active Directory group that an AD authenticated user is part of. A user with the System Administrator role can perform any function on the Management Console, while a user with the Administrator role can access everything except the SETTINGS pages. PCoIP Management Console Free supports one administrative user with the System Administrator role.

Users with any role can edit their own profile by clicking on their username at the top right of the Management Console screen.

System Administrators can manage PCoIP Management Console Enterprise user accounts by clicking SETTINGS from the top menu and then clicking the AUTHENTICATION > USERS tab.

The following tasks are performed from a user account with the System Administrator role.

Displaying User Information

The PCoIP Management Console Enterprise AUTHENTICATION page contains a table showing all the users that are currently configured to use PCoIP Management Console. This page is viewable by any System Administrator. PCoIP Management Console Enterprise allows you to create, edit, enable or disable one or more user accounts, assign different user roles, and view user logs to see user activity. You can also refine the list of users in the table by clicking ENABLED USERS to display only users with enabled accounts, or ALL USERS to display all user accounts.

Click the gear icon Gear Icon to the right of the table to change the information you want to display in the table columns. Your customized settings are saved in your browser and will be used for any user who subsequently logs in from that browser.

Enterprise Authentication Page
PCoIP Management Console Enterprise AUTHENTICATION Page

PCoIP Management Console Free supports only one administrative user. Enabling and disabling this user is not supported in PCoIP Management Console Free.

Free Authentication Page
PCoIP Management Console Free AUTHENTICATION Page

Creating a New User Account in PCoIP Management Console Enterprise

Note: Help with settings

Click the ? button beside each field for help with any of the settings.

To create a new user account in PCoIP Management Console Enterprise:

  1. From the PCoIP Management Console’s top menu, click SETTINGS.

  2. Ensure the USERS tab is active.

  3. Click NEW USER.

  4. Configure the parameters as follows:

    • Role: Select Administrator (limited) or System Administrator (full access)

    • Username: Enter a unique name for the user.

    • First Name: Enter the user’s first name.

    • Last Name: Enter the user’s last name.

    • Password: Enter a password for the user.

    • Confirm Password: Enter the password again.

    • Time Zone: Select the user’s local time zone from the drop-down list. Time zones in this list are presented in IANA format.

      Active Directory Users

      All Active Directory users have a default timezone of UTC which can be modified by a Management Console System Administrator after the user has logged in the first time.

    • Account Enabled: Select to enable the account.

      Authentication New User

  5. Click SAVE.

Enabled vs. not enabled for new users

If a new user is not enabled and the MANAGEMENT CONSOLE USERS page is set to show enabled users only, this user will not be visible in the table until the page is changed to show all users.

Editing a User Account

To edit a user account:

  1. From the table on the MANAGEMENT CONSOLE USERS page, select the user account you wish to edit.

  2. Click EDIT.

  3. Change the user’s settings as desired.

  4. Click SAVE.

Enabled vs. not enabled for existing users

If an edited user is not enabled and the MANAGEMENT CONSOLE USERS page is set to show enabled users only, this user will not be visible in the table until the page is changed to show all users.

Enabling or Disabling User Accounts in PCoIP Management Console Enterprise

To enable or disable user accounts in PCoIP Management Console Enterprise:

  1. From the table on the MANAGEMENT CONSOLE USERS page, select one or more users.

  2. Use Shift+Click to select contiguous elements and Ctrl+Click to select non-contiguous elements.

  3. Click ENABLE to enable the accounts or DISABLE to disable the accounts.

Viewing User Logs

To view user logs:

  1. In the MANAGEMENT CONSOLE USERS page, click VIEW LOG to see the date and type of action for each user, as shown next:

    User Log

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list to see the most recent actions.

  3. Click OK to close the user log.