Host Software Daemon Configuration Files

This topic describes the host software configuration files. Both the daemon and the User Interface allow the administrator to customize their operation.

When the host software daemon starts, it attempts to read configuration settings from the file /etc/pcopiphostswd.conf. If the file does not exist or a setting is not found in the file, the daemon uses a default value.

A copy of the configuration file is included with the host software in the kernel/linux/scripts directory. Administrators wishing to modify the default daemon configuration settings should copy this file to the /etc directory, modify it, and restart the host software or the workstation.

The daemon and host software executables support the following settings.

Log Directory Location

  • Field name: LogDirLocation

  • This field is a string that determines the directory used for the log files. The daemon and host software use the same log file named pcoiphostsw.0.log. When the log file reaches the size specified in the LogFileSize parameter, it is copied to pcoiphostsw.1.log. The daemon sets the permissions of the directory containing the log files to 777. If the location of the log files is changed to something other than the default, the daemon sets the permissions of the directory to 777.

  • Default value: /var/log/pcoip

Maximum Log File Size

  • Field name: LogFileSize
  • This field is an integer that specifies the maximum size in MB a log file may attain before a copy is made and a new one is started. The log file size is only checked periodically, so this size may be exceeded slightly at times.
  • Default value: 2

Daemon Enable

  • Field name: DaemonEnable
  • This field determines whether the daemon is enabled. The daemon must be enabled in systems that require the host software to be running while the login screen is active. Software clients send keyboard and mouse data to the host via the host software. Users who want to log into a host using a software client must enable the daemon.
  • Supported values: 0, 1 (0=disable, 1=enable)
  • Default value: 1

Daemon Logging level

  • Field Name: DaemonLogLevel
  • This field controls the verbosity level of the daemon. As the level increases, the daemon generates more log messages. Typically users should set this field to info or error, which generates error messages and informational messages when the daemon starts and stops the host software.
  • Supported values: 0=None, 1=Critical, 2=Error, 3=Info, 4=Debug
  • Default value: 3 (Info)

Daemon Start Delay

  • Field name: DaemonStartDelay
  • When the system boots, the pcoip_host script starts pcoiphostswd, which launches a daemon process. When the daemon starts, it delays this many seconds before entering.
  • Supported values: positive integer (1, 2, 3, …)
  • Default value: 1

Daemon X Authority Start Delay

  • Field name: DaemonXAuthDelay
  • This field specifies the delay in seconds before the daemon tries to find the XAUTHORITY cookie for the host software UI.
  • Supported values: positive integer (1, 2, 3, …)
  • Default value: 5

Daemon PCoIP Agent Can Run Under Root Permissions

  • Field name: DaemonRootPCoIPAgent
  • This field specifies whether the daemon can run the PCoIP Agent under root permissions. !!! Note Some systems do not allow root to run the screensaver and therefore the Lock workstation on disconnect feature does not work. It is recommended that you log in as root and see if root can run the screensaver before enabling this setting. Currently, RHEL 7, RHEL 7.1, and CentOS 7 allow the root account to run the screensaver.
  • Supported values: 0, 1 (0=disable, 1=enable)
  • Default value: 0

Host Software Logging Level

  • Field name: HostSWLogLevel
  • This field controls the verbosity level of the host software. As the level increases, the host software generates more log messages. In general, users should set this field to info or error, which allows the host software to generate error messages and informational messages.
  • Supported values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (0=none, 1=Critical, 2=Error, 3=Info, 4=Debug)
  • Default value: 3 (info)

Host Software Location

  • Field name: HostSWPath
  • This field specifies the location of the host software. This includes the pcoip_starthostsw script and the pcoip_agent executable. By default, these files are installed in /usr/bin.
  • Default value: "/usr/bin"

Host Software Options

  • Field name: HostSWOptions
  • This field can pass further options to the host software. These values are passed to the pcoip_starthostsw script (preceded with -o) and subsequently to the host software itself. The supported values can be determined by running pcoip_agent -h, and include values such as: - drcs (disable sending remote cursor changes to client).
  • Default value: “”

Host SW Login Start Delay

  • Field name: HostSWLoginStartDelay
  • When a user logs in, the daemon starts the host software. The daemon also starts the host software when it detects the host software is not running. This setting controls how many seconds the daemon delays before starting the host software when a user logs in. The setting is not used when the daemon detects the host software is not running. This delay should be increased if the host software icon appears on the desktop instead of the system tray after a user logs in.
  • Supported values: positive integer (1, 2, 3,...)
  • Default value: 10

Host SW Restart Delay

  • Field name: HostSWRestartDelay
  • When a user logs in, the daemon starts the host software. The daemon also restarts the host software when it detects the host software is not running. This settings controls how many seconds the daemon delays before restarting the host software when a user is already logged in. The setting is not used when the daemon starts the host software on user login.
  • Supported values: positive integer (1, 2, 3,...)
  • Default value: 1