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Connecting to the Admin Console

The following section outlines how to access and connect to the Admin Console for Anyware Manager, and Anyware Manager as a Service.

Connecting to Anyware Manager

Once you have unlocked the Admin Console, open a web browser and go to https://public-or-private-ip-address-of-cas-manager to login with the default "adminUser". If you have configured multi-admin support, login with your enterprise identity provider account that has the required admin permission for Anyware Manager.

Connecting to Anyware Manager as a Service

Go to the Admin Console login page and log in with your Enterprise Microsoft Azure account, or if you are logging in through Google, a G Suite or Cloud Identity account. Enter your credentials to access the Admin Console. If you want to log in using Microsoft Azure, you must have consent to access the HP Azure application. Depending on your restrictions, a user or a system administrator could grant this access. For information on how to grant admin consent, see Grant tenant-wide admin consent to an application on the Microsoft site.

Email Account Support with Anyware Manager

Anyware Manager supports two types of email accounts:

Personal Gmail accounts are not supported by default and need to be allowed by HP before being used. For access to Anyware Manager with a personal Gmail account, contact HP support. Anyware Manager as a Service does not support Microsoft personal email accounts.

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If you encounter issues logging into the Admin Console, it could be for one of the following reasons:

If you continue to experience issues logging into the Admin Console, contact HP Support.