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Configuring the Cloud Access Connector with Configuration Files

The following section outlines how to configure the Connector on RHEL/Rocky Linux using the configuration files that are downloaded as part of the Connector install. The Connector looks for two configuration files by default for configuration:

  • casc-secrets.yaml
  • casc-configuration.yaml

Both files can be found in the /etc/cas-connector/ directory. These files will be generated in the default directory when you install the Connector RPM. The casc-configuration.yaml file contains all of the installation configuration parameters that will persist after installation, the casc-secrets.yaml file contains sensitive information and data, such as passwords, that will be reset after a successful installation for security considerations.

It's recommended that you put sensitive data in the casc-secrets.yaml file instead of in the casc-configuration.yaml file or any custom configuration files so that they are not stored in plain text after installation. A sample configuration file is displayed below.

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There are three available options for configuring the Connector:

Required flags for Connector Configuration

The following flags are mandatory, and must be included in the casc-configuration.yaml configuration file when configuring the Connector and running the cas-connector configure command:

  • --token
  • --domain
  • --sa-user
  • --sa-password
  • --ldaps-ca-cert
  • --self-signed (or you must provide --tls-key or --tls-cert)

Configuration using the Default Configuration Files

This option uses the default configuration files that were installed as part of the Connector RPM install process.

casc-secrets.yaml file reset

The casc-secrets.yaml file will be reset to its default values once you complete the configuration. This is a safety measure to ensure the secrets information is protected. A sample configuration file can be found in the /etc/cas-connector/ directory.

  1. Configure both the configuration files in the /etc/cas-connector/ directory.
  2. Run the following command to configure the Connector using the default configuration files:

    sudo /usr/local/bin/cas-connector configure

Ensure that you use the options, flags or configuration parameters that best suit your system architecture and requirements. Ensure that you use the mandatory flags in the casc-configuration.yaml configuration file that are outlined in the note above. If required values are not provided on the command line or configuration file, you will be prompted for them. For additional flags, options or parameters, see Installation Flags and Options.

Configuration with Custom Configuration Files

This option uses custom configuration files to configure the Connector. You need to configure your custom configuration file and then run the command outlined below.

  1. Configure the configuration files you wish to use.
  2. Run the following command:

    sudo /usr/local/bin/cas-connector configure --config-file <PATH_OF_CONFIG_FILE>

Configuration with a Combination of Configuration Files and Flags

This option uses a combination of command line flags and configuration files. If the command line flags being used already exist in the configuration files, then the command line flag will take precedence.

  1. Configure the configuration files you wish to use.
  2. Run the following command:

    sudo /usr/local/bin/cas-connector configure --config-file <PATH_OF_CONFIG_FILE> <FLAGS>

Ensure that you use the mandatory flags in the casc-configuration.yaml configuration file that are outlined in the note above.