AWI: Label Settings

The Label page lets you assign a device name to the device. You can access this page for the host or client from the Configuration > Label menu.

AWI Label Page

AWI Label Page Parameters

Parameter Description

PCoIP Device Name

Lets you give the host or client a logical name. The default is pcoip-host-<MAC> or pcoip-portal-<MAC>, where <MAC> is the device's MAC address.

This field is the name the host or client registers with the DNS server if DHCP is enabled and the system is configured to support registering the hostname with the DNS server.

It's important to ensure that the PCoIP Device Name is unique for each endpoint in the network and follows these naming conventions:

  • The first and last character must be a letter (A-Z or a-z) or a digit (0-9).
  • The remaining characters must be letters, digits, hyphens, or underscores.
  • The length must be 63 characters or fewer.

PCoIP Device

A description of the device or other information, such as the location of the device's endpoint.

Note: The firmware does not use this field. It is provided for administrator use only.

Generic Tag

Generic tag information about the device.

Note: The firmware does not use this field. It is provided for administrator use only.