Creating a Binary RPM

To create a Binary RPM you will require rights to the sudo command.


  • When creating RPMs to be distributed outside a company, create the RPM as root.
    When an RPM is created, the userid of the person creating the RPM is the owner of the files in the RPM. Warning messages appear if an RPM is installed on systems that do not recognize the userid associated with the files. Creating the RPM as root avoids getting these warning messages.
  • Non-root users can install the fakeroot package to run the createRPM script found in the PCoIP Host Software for Linux package.

The host software package contains two versions of the host software executable. One that supports activating client topology settings and one that does not. The createRPM script checks the version of libxrandr installed on the workstation. If version 1.2 or later is installed, the RPM includes the host software executable that supports activating client topology settings. Administrators can force the script to include the version that does not support activating client topology settings by including the parameter -notopo when running the createRPM script.

  1. From your previously open terminal working from the Downloads directory, set the working directory to kernel/linux/scripts

    cd pcoip_ host_<version>/kernel/linux/scripts/.


    • Additional directories are created when you unpack the source code package.
    • If opening a new terminal window, from the default prompt enter
      cd ~/Downloads/PCoIP_Host_SW_Release/pcoip_ host_<version>/kernel/linux/scripts/
  2. Execute the createRPM script.

    sudo ./createRPM.


    The binary rpm is written to the package/kernel/linux/obj directory.