Administering the PCoIP Connection Manager

This section contains information on how to start and stop, configure, uninstall, and upgrade your PCoIP Connection Manager.

Starting or Stopping the PCoIP Connection Manager

To start, stop, or restart the PCoIP Connection Manager:

service connection_manager start|stop|restart
  Note: Restarting the connection manager may take up to a minute

Restarting the PCoIP Connection Manager may take up to a minute to complete initialization. Clients cannot establish PCoIP sessions through it until initialization is complete.

PCoIP Connection Manager Configuration Settings

The configuration files for the PCoIP Connection Manager are located at /etc/ConnectionManager.conf. Restart the PCoIP Connection Manager to apply changes.

PCoIP Connection Manager Configuration Settings






The minimum severity level of the messages written to the log. Acceptable values in increasing order of severity are: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR.

Only messages that are at or above the configured LogLevel severity are logged.

For information on log files, see PCoIP Connection Manager and Security Gateway Log Files.



Type of the broker the PCoIP Connection Manager is using.



Address of the PCoIP broker that the PCoIP Connection Manager uses to authenticate users and obtain resource information.



If set to true, the PCoIP Connection Manager uses the PCoIP Security Gateway to establish sessions and directs clients to connect to their sessions via the PCoIP Security Gateway. The PCoIP Security Gateway must be enabled and configured.

If set to false, the PCoIP Connection Manager directs clients to connect directly to the agent hosting the selected resource.



One or more license server addresses and port numbers. Use the format port-number@ip-address-or-hostname or http://<license-server-address>:<port>/request. Cannot be more than 1024 ASCII characters. Do not use <, >, and &. A local license server should be used for offline sites.

Cloud licensing requires that the LicenseServerAddress be left blank.



If set to true, the PCoIP Connection Manager always sets the Content-Length: XX in the HTTP response header.

If set to false the PCoIP Connection Manager sends HTTP responses using chunked encoding.



The time in seconds to wait for a response from the broker (other than for authenticate or allocate resource responses) before timing out.



The time in seconds to wait for a response from the broker to an allocate resource request before timing out.



The time in seconds to wait for a response from the broker to an authenticate request before timing out.



The time in seconds to wait for a response from the PCoIP agent before timing out.



If set to true, the PCoIP Connection Manager validates the certificate presented by agents during resource allocation.



When AgentCertCheck is true, specifies the required minimum public key length of the certificate presented by the agent. Ignored when AgentCertCheck is false. The minimum allowable length is 1024.



If set to true, the PCoIP Connection Manager validates the certificate presented by the broker during authentication and resource retrieval.



When BrokerCertCheck is true, specifies the required minimum public key length of the certificate presented by the broker. Ignored when BrokerCertCheck is false. The minimum allowable length is 1024.



Lists the TLS cipher suites to be removed from the default list of cipher suites used for establishing a TLS connection to the PCoIP client. The cipher suites are specified by their RFC names and are separated by a colon. See PCoIP Connection Manager Supported TLS Cipher Suites.

For example, specifying the 'TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA' string as the black list removes the specified two cipher suites.



Lists the TLS cipher suites to be removed from the default list of cipher suites used for establishing a TLS connection to the connection broker and the PCoIP agent. The cipher suites are specified by their RFC names and are separated by a colon. See PCoIP Connection Manager Supported TLS Cipher Suites.

For example, specifying the 'TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA' string as the black list removes the specified two cipher suites.



If set to true, the PCoIP Connection Manager uses TLS to establish a secure connection with the PCoIP Security Gateway to send control commands. Otherwise, the PCoIP Connection Manager sends control commands in plain text.

If set to true, the PCoIP Security Gateway must also be configured to use TLS. For more information, see TCPControlLinuxExtCert.

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